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For all your legal challenges...
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The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) publishes a great deal of useful information for all organisations on data protection and compliance with data protection law.
The ICO has recently updated its guidance on exemptions from some of the rights and obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
For small businesses and sole traders, the ICO has also created a small business data protection checklist to allow them to assess how well they comply with data protection law. This can be found here and should only take a few minutes to complete.
If you are unsure about how the GDPR and DPA affect your organisation, we can advise you. In October alone the ICO announced that fines totalling £825,000 had been levied on three organisations for breaches of data protection law or nuisance calling.
It is better to be safe than sorry.
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