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£5 Million Damages for Girl Who Lost Leg After Being Hit by Car

A girl who was hit by a car as she was starting her paper round has achieved a settlement for the life-changing injuries she suffered.

The girl was just 14 when the accident happened. Her mother had dropped her off at a local shop to collect the newspapers. A vehicle lost control and hit her mother's car, which was parked outside the shop. Her mother's car mounted the pavement and hit her as she was returning with the newspapers.

Her right foot was crushed and, following admission to hospital, she was moved to a trauma centre. Her right leg had to be amputated below the knee.

Her family sought legal advice. Interim payments were secured, allowing a full rehabilitation package to be provided for her and bespoke prosthetics to be purchased so that she could resume activities such as running, cycling and ice skating that she had enjoyed before the accident.

Following negotiations, her claim was settled for £5 million. Compensation was also secured for the physical and psychiatric injuries suffered by her parents: her mother had witnessed the accident and had also been injured when the other vehicle hit her car, and her father had rushed to the scene after the accident.